Issue with place_order in dhan error 9005


Error: ‘error_code’: ‘RS-9005’, ‘message’: ’ todo mandatory fields ’

JSON OBJECT FROM LIBRARY: {‘dhanClientId’: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx’, ‘transactionType’: ‘BUY’, ‘exchangeSegment’: ‘NSE_FNO’, ‘productType’: ‘INTRADAY’, ‘orderType’: ‘MARKET’, ‘validity’: ‘DAY’, ‘securityId’: ‘38707’, ‘quantity’: 13, ‘disclosedQuantity’: 0, ‘price’: 0.0, ‘afterMarketOrder’: False, ‘boProfitValue’: None, ‘boStopLossValue’: None, ‘drvExpiryDate’: None, ‘drvOptionType’: None, ‘drvStrikePrice’: None}

I have put xxxxxx in place of client id. Can someone tell me what might be the error.

Sriharsha P K

for this security qty needs to be in multiple of 25

go through Introduction - DhanHQ Ver 1.0 / API Document

Security ID List

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