A couple of months earlier, on X I was reading somewhere that Zerodha manages some lakhs of crores of assets. Just curious to know, if it could be shared, what is Dhan’s AUM trend?
Hi @thisisbanerjee Well, honestly this is very very less.
To build AUMs one needs vintage, Dhan is new as you know. Just started 3 years back, real adoption happened in last 18-20 months and that too on trading side. We doubled down on traders, and are yet to meaningfully focus on investors.
Yes, to give it a number - it does run into few thousand crores, but its super duper small compared to the small brokers who have been around for say 15-20-25 years. All AUMs till now is incidental, and since we are possibly only among a very few brokers who is zero brokerage for investing - collecting AUMs was never much priority as such. Dhan has a long way to go honestly.