Learn Algo Trading with Python | Codes | Youtube Series

Hi Everyone,

Below are the code files that were created during Algorithmic Trading Series Sessions 1 and 2. We will keep on updating the codes and scripts as and when we will release the videos.

Feel free to ask any questions related to the codes.
Happy Algo Trading : )

If you have any doubt, @Tradehull_Imran will be there to help :slight_smile:


how can i solve this
this is required to install
so ho can i install particular this file


I am getting this error

TA lib is old

I suggest to use virtualenv or uv to setup a python virtualenvironment first and install your python libraries under custom/venv directory/folder. Most of the problems are around python versioning mismatch etc.

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Looks like Visual CPP is missing in system @Gautam_Singh_Pawar @mr_joshi

i have same problm


Hi Everyone,

I have updated the installation folder

Follow the steps below to Fix Talib-issue not installing:

  1. Download the ZIP file:
    Click here to download

  2. Extract the ZIP file:

    • After downloading, extract the contents of the ZIP file.
    • Navigate to the extracted folder.
  3. Install the required libraries:

    • Since Python is already installed and the issue is with installing the libraries, follow the steps below to resolve it:
      1. Find the file named install libraries.bat.
      2. Steps to install:
        • Right-click on install libraries.bat.
        • Select “Run as administrator.”
        • A command window (black screen) will open.
        • Wait for the installation to complete.

Also do update me on forum… when the installation is completed. I would like to keep a check on your progress.

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Hi @Tradehull_Imran

Suggest to have uv or venv based environments approach instead of using system python installations.

Hello Sir,
I am getting this error. Is this required to resolve or May I continue?

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getting this error while installing libraries file

use below command and then run installation files

pip install --upgrade certifi

still there is an error

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we need to install certifi so that we dont get SSL certificate error, Auto installing certifi is giving errors
so lets manually download and install the certifi package.

Step 1: Download the certifi .whl File

  1. Visit the PyPI page for certifi.
  2. Download the .whl file … certifi-2024.8.30-py3-none-any.whl` file under built Distribution
  3. Move the .whl file to Desktop > New Folder.

Step 2: Open Command Prompt as Administrator

  1. Press Win + S and type cmd.
  2. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

Step 3: Navigate to the New Folder Containing the .whl File and run the .whl file

  1. On cmd write
    cd Desktop
    cd New folder
    cd New folder
    pip install certifi-2024.8.30-py3-none-any.whl

**Step 4: After this run install libraries.bat


i have followed all these steps as is, but still same error

ERROR: Twisted-20.3.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
ERROR: TA_Lib-0.4.24-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.

OS - Windows 11

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Twisted-20.3.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl … is for python version 3.8.0
since its not supported… it means you have different python version installed

uninstall previous python version if any, and repeat installation process again

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kind send the installation package file for mac users


hi, i’m using Ubuntu, how can i download stock market library?

I have installed and it shows no error, so whats the use of these two files? should I have to replace these with any other files or not, one more query that in this setup of install libraries when I checked TA-Lib is missing (after Iv xlwings there is mibian) does this means that TA Lib is not installed or I have to paste TA_Lib (one of the above mentioned file) in specific folder?

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