Liquidcase Pledge Issue

I tried to pledge zerodha liquid case aft 8:30 AM. The mobile app shows the pledge time window as 8:30 AM to 9 PM. But after entering the CDSL otp nothing happened. From prior experience of pledging after 9 AM the experience was seamless. Curiously the web shows a pledging time window from 9 AM to 9 PM.

Anyway now the pledge status is shown as confirmed. But it seems CDSL authorization didn’t happen. I checked CDSL website. It shows no pledge requests pending. No way to cancel the pledge request as well. @Dhan @PravinJ pls help.

K now updated automatically it seems. I get the collateral margin now :pray: Please confirm the actual pledging time window - 9:00 AM to 9 PM ?

Hi @t7support,

We are getting this reviewed with our team and will update you shortly.

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@t7support The pledge timing is from 8:30 AM. Today morning, there was some issue from the CDSLs end and hence you faced the delay.

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Oh k Thanks. Please update the web time interval also then to avoid confusion.