Hi everyone! I’ve been a full-time trader in the Indian stock market since 2021, and I’m looking to connect with someone who started their trading journey around the same time. If you’re also trading full-time and are interested in collaborating, sharing strategies, or simply having a trading partner to discuss the market with, let’s connect! I believe that working together can help us grow and navigate the market more effectively. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in building a strong trading partnership.
Let’s Connect
I have participated in a number of trading communities, and I frequently notice a similar pattern in how these groups develop over time.
Initially, people come together to share their passion for trading, but soon it shifts to everyone wanting others to follow their trading ideas. There are so many suggestions floating around that the combined resources of everyone present can’t support all the trades being proposed.
After a while, smaller groups start to form, critiquing the ideas from the main group. This leads to splits, mergers, and sometimes even breakups.
The most effective structure for these groups seems to be a one-to-many approach, similar to what we see with live streamers or seminar leaders. Information flows from one person to many, while the other participants don’t really have a way to communicate their individual thoughts with each other. The communication is mostly top-down.
Besides the chance to explore trading together, these groups can also be a great way to build friendships, especially if the communication goes both ways. You can also gain a lot from observing the mindset of successful traders. I’ve been fortunate to meet some fantastic traders who don’t rely on charts at all. They are incredibly sharp and keep all the important numbers—like support and resistance levels—right in their heads. They just need to see the latest price to put their ideas into action.
This year, I’ve decided to take a different approach. I want to look at how trading forums work and what makes users get involved. I’m curious about which topics help people improve their skills. I’ve begun to notice some really interesting things happening on this forum already.