Modify Target_Leg of BO Order

Trying to Modify Price BO order Target_Leg price but getting error:
I want to change price only so keeping everything else 0:

$payload = json_encode([
“dhanClientId” => $dhan_client_id,
“orderId” => $orderId,
“orderType” => “LIMIT”,
“legName” => “TARGET_LEG”,
“quantity” => null,
“price” => 300,
“disclosedQuantity” => null,
“triggerPrice” => null,
“validity” => “DAY”

Error as follows:
“errorType”: “Input_Exception”,
“errorCode”: “DH-905”,
“errorMessage”: “Missing required fields, bad values for parameters etc.”

@Hardik can you check

Waiting for Bracket Order in Delivery for ages.

Hello @Algo_trading @Supriyo_Mondal

Welcome to MadeForTrade community!

If you are trying to modify any order, you need to enter all the required fields as they were in the initial order and modify the ones which you intend to. Passing 0 is not the state that API will accept.

There is something in works here and you will see it out soon. And will make sure it is extended to APIs as well.

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Waiting for the BO in Delivery soon.

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