MTF Margin (Cash) Requirements Clarification

Hello! I’d appreciate if someone from the Dhan team could clarify on the MTF margin impact on the ledger, for cash exposures.

Earlier I used to pledge my stocks, and then trade on MTF (collateral margin) and always saw that the whole MTF position value is debited from the ledger.

Now say, if purchase a XYZ stock on Dhan (cash balance only), and my cash is ₹100. The XYZ stock on MTF has an exposure of 3x.

Let’s say, I go for an exposure of ₹200 on a cash balance of ₹100, then the cash margin required would ₹66. For the balance, ₹44 would be free from T+1 day or the whole ledger would be debited with the MTF exposure value and the ledger balance would look like (-₹100.)

I’d appreciate if someone could clarify. @RahulDeshpande @PravinJ Thanks!

Hi @thisisbanerjee,

As discussed on the call, your MTF query has been addressed. Read more here