Mtf subcription model to lower the intrest rate for customers

HI @PravinJ ,

Do you have any plans for a subscription-based model for MTF to lower the interest rates?
It would be great if you do this in future updates.

Hey @Ankuk ,

We do not plan to reduce the rates on MTF. At Dhan, we do not compete on pricing & want to ensure we provide more value to our users while prices will reflect industry standards.

Product @ Dhan

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Mstock me interest 6.99 % milta hai

Hi …why we cannot place Stop loss in MTF?

Hey @Pratik_D ,

You can place Stop Loss in MTF. After doing the trade, you can go to the respective Position wherein you will find an option to ‘Add Stop Loss’.

Product @ Dhan

Hi @Ankuk

We’ve made your wish come true now. Lower MTF rates on Dhan, now starting at just 12.49% p.a.

Read more details