Mutual Fund Portfolio : Improvement needed

Dhan Mutual fund portfolio section needs much improvement. Kindly add XIRR for overall portfolio and also let the portfolio graphical comparison with benchmark index. Also, include sip/purchase order-wise pro
fit/loss. Overlapping of the stocks among different MF present in portfolio. It would be great taking cues from competitors such as Paytm Money and Angel Brokers, this would make the Dhan more informative.

Hi @AG001

Great suggestions! We’re adding them to our to-do list

Hi @Sanjay_Lunayach SWP is in our roadmap as well. Currently the team is focusing all efforts on rolling out MF for pledging, and then we will start rolling out the other features.

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We are soon going to post about this.

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@RahulDeshpande better to share it as we get this generalize comment that its in our roadmap and than it take years to get that thing done. Like mutual fund pledging.

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Hi Dhan,

Kindly include SIP through UPI Autopay and also include Mutual fund on Dhan Web.

Hi @Subhash_Chhetri UPI AutoPay will be going live in a few weeks time. We are in the final stages of testing it. Including Mutual Funds on Web is in our roadmap, and we will update you on the same soon.


Please implement this as soon as possible

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@Subhash_Chhetri Happy to share that UPI AutoPay is now live - Introducing: UPI AutoPay for Mutual Funds

I would once again like to reiterate my request and further request to Team Dhan to consider the same on priority basis as the same are been awaited by many of us:
i) Kindly add XIRR for overall portfolio
ii) Portfolio graphical representaion and comparison with benchmark index.
iii) Stock and MF sip/purchase order-wise profit/loss.
iv) Overlapping of the stocks among different MF present in portfolio.
v) Make MF invetment avilaible in Dhan Web portal.

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Hi @AG001,

The Portfolio XIRR for MF is all set and will roll out in our upcoming app update. We’ve also taken your feedback for other feature - graphical representation, order-wise profit/loss tracking, and enhanced overlapping of stocks on the Dhan Web portal these enhancements are in the pipeline and will be included in our upcoming improvements.

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Hi @AG001

Portfolio XIRR is now live for Mutual Funds on Dhan!

To see how your investments are performing, just click on your Mutual Fund and head over to the “Insights” tab.

Not only can you check out your Portfolio XIRR, but you can also compare with your Absolute Returns!

We’re eager to hear your feedback!
Happy Investing.

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Great. Thanks. One done, just four more to go.