Need confirmation that `securityID` is different from ISIN

Is securityID that is referred to in Market Quote - DhanHQ Ver 2.0 / API Document different from ISIN (that is 12-digit alphanumeric code)? Is this Dhan specific reference and so you have provided a link to downloadable CSV file in that API doc?


Hello @kartz

Yes, the Security ID referred is an exchange provided ID used for purpose of trading and disseminating data. This is constant across broker systems.

The downloadable CSV (known as Security ID list or Instrument list) contains this security ID.

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Thanks @Hardik. Wish I was a little more specific. ISIN is supposedly a 12-digit alphanumeric code that is used universally across stock exchange boards, if my understanding is right. Your replay, as I understand goes to say both ISIN and SecurityID are same.

Now, because ISIN is a 12-digit alphanumeric string, I wonder why in your python SDK, you decode security_id with an int instead of a string? This won’t work if the feed were to be a 12-digit alphanumeric code of a security.

This is incorrect conclusion.

ISIN which is International Securities Identification Number is in a particular format, a 12 digit alphanumeric code as you said. This is provided by SEBI and remains same for a security across exchanges and do not exist for derivative instruments.
Whereas Security ID is different, usually 2-7 digit numeric code, is assigned by exchange to all tradeable instruments (including derivatives). This is not the same as ISIN.


This explanation really helps. Thanks. This helps me ensuring my SDK is clean.

Thanks for your KT.

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