New: Introducing ‘Add to Cart’ experience for Mutual Funds on Dhan

Hello Investors,

We recently introduced Mutual Funds to Dhan and have been providing access to many of our users who had applied for Early Access.

With more and more users now investing in Direct Mutual Funds on our platform, we have had some early insight on the usage and experience of our users. We also have spoken with many investors who have built their Mutual Funds portfolio on Dhan to seek their feedback and suggestions.

We continue with our tradition of building exceptional investing experiences - we have started incorporating some of these suggestions for Mutual Funds now. We are delighted to share some fantastic news with you - we are introducing ‘Add to Cart’ experience for Mutual Funds which now lets you select Mutual Funds at a time one time and make investment via a single payment experience.

We understand that investors on Dhan know of the markets and are here for the long-term. In our interactions, we realised that investors are investing in 2-3 Mutual Fund schemes in a single-session, which as a result leads to making multiple payments. To solve this, similar to adding multiple items in your cart while shopping online - you can now select and add multiple Mutual Fund schemes in your MF Cart and simply go ahead and make a single payment for it - making this experience simple, intuitive and user-friendly for you.

Here are few key features of Add to Cart feature on Dhan:

Add any Mutual Fund to Selection: Explore our extensive range of Direct Mutual Fund schemes and add multiple funds to your cart with just a simple tap that is available on bottom navigation.

Convenient Trade Basket: Your selected funds are neatly organised in your trade basket or cart, providing a clear overview of your investment choices.

Single Payment Transaction: After finalising your investment decisions, head to the cart to check out. With just one payment transaction, you can complete the purchase of all the selected mutual fund schemes.

Time-saving and Efficient: No more navigating back and forth between different fund pages. The Cart Feature allows you to consolidate your choices in one place, saving time and effort.

Where will you find Cart on Dhan, here’s your guide:

Via Mutual Fund details view: Just spot the ‘Add to Cart’ button right before ‘Invest’ on the Mutual Fund details page. Click on it to effortlessly add your chosen mutual fund schemes to the cart.

One-Click Magic: On the home page, click on the ‘Cart’ icon on the Mutual Funds homepage before the bell icon. There, all your selected schemes are awaited. Ready for the magic? With one swift click on “Make Investment,” watch as all your orders seamlessly fall into place! :rocket:

We believe that this enhancement will add a new level of enjoyment and efficiency to your investment journey.

Thank you for choosing Dhan. Happy investing!
Product @ Dhan


good feature.

pls allow to start sip investment on a later date like we have in indmoney/zerodha instead of mandatory 1st sip order being forced on current date (date of placing order)

Hi @krishag,

Thank you for your positive feedback regarding SIP creation process agian! we have duly noted your feedback form previous post. As mentioned earlier post we are actively exploring ways to enhance our platform and provide a more flexible experience for our users.

We appreciate your patience. We’ll keep you updated on any developments related to this feature.