New Milestone! 1,00,000+ Traders now Trade directly from via Dhan 🚀

It’s a momentous day for us as we celebrate an incredible milestone: over 100,000 Traders are now experiencing seamless trading through Dhan on :raised_hands:

We want to express our deepest gratitude to our community of SuperTraders who have shown unwavering support on this journey. :pray:

Remember, we were the first Indian broker to join TradingView’s Trading panel, enabling seamless trading on both and the TradingView App (available on iOS and Android). :computer::iphone:

And the best part? We’re just getting started! :hammer_and_wrench:

Stay tuned as we continue to roll out exciting features aimed at elevating the trading and investing experience for Indian Traders & Investors. :rocket::chart_with_upwards_trend:

Thank you for being a part of our remarkable journey! :pray::star2:



A BIG thanks to our Users & Community Members for their support and love through the journey. Thanks for staying with us and trusting us, we continue to work with TradingView team, who have been incredible partners to bring more for Traders in India.


Sirji abhi to leke aao ye feature hum sb apko support kare hai
This feature is required sir for super trader

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Kudos to the entire team and @PravinJ for leading some of these industry first features … Wonderful and good to see the team pulling through and maturing this platform and offering some of the nicest stuffs. Great going!!
Just a small clarification … does the overall operation slow down a bit as it goes through multiple hoops? I tried this today and felt the clicks and it’s response was tad slow. Not sure whether it is at my end, or TV’s platform ?

Congrats Dhan team and @PravinJ . I am a visual trader and tradingview is my second home. Dhan’s integration with the tradingview was one of the primary reason for my migration from other platforms. I love this integration. There must be tons of work done behind the curtains by your talented team. Truely appreciate it.

Looking forward for the all the future exicting features on via Dhan.

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