Now Live: Introducing Strategy Builder for Commodity & Currency Options with Pre-built Strategies

Hi All,

At Dhan, we are obsessed with building incredible customer experience and enable technology-led solutions to deliver world-class products for Super Traders and Long-Term Investors in India.

From our first day, we have followed a clear philosophy - to build what our users want. We have also stated our no-spam policy., no tips, no recommendations, no calls, no relationship manager and no advice. While doing this, we also wanted to make sure that no voids were left and that most of the valuable services were delivered to our users. Which is exactly why, all Dhan platforms have data, analytics and lots of capabilities built for you in addition to lightning fast execution for your trades.

With our users asking for more, we launched India’s first mobile app that was built exclusively for Options Trader, and followed that up with the launch of its web version, Options Trader on Web with Custom Strategy Builder. On Dhan, our Options Trader platform is what anyone who is into Options Trading could have asked for - create, execute and track option strategies along with all incredible features.

Options Trader was initially designed for trading in Indices like NIFTY, BANK NIFTY, FIN NIFTY, and all F&O Stocks. We always felt we needed to extend these features for our traders on Commodity & Currency markets.

Whether you are looking for an USDINR Option Strategy Builder or Crude Oil Option Strategy Builder, our platform has it all!

Introducing Strategy Builder for Commodity & Currency Options with Pre-Built Strategies in India

We are excited today to introduce Commodity and Currency on Dhan’s Options Trading Platform. This makes Dhan India’s first stock broking platform to offer Custom Strategy Builder along with 100s of pre-built strategies for Commodity & Currency segments.

We now extend the incredibly powerful capabilities to following instruments:

  • Natural Gas
  • Crude Oil
  • Gold (also Gold mini)
  • Silver (also Silver mini)

For SuperTraders on Dhan, all features and tools are exactly the same. While building a custom strategy of any commodity that is listed on MCX or any currency pair with INR on NSE, and proceed ahead as always. Simply, type the commodity/currency pair name in the search box and a default Bull Call spread will automatically load, with its Pay-off Graph, Strategy chart, P&L table, Multi-strike chart, strategy greeks, and all the simulated data sets.

Since Commodity and Currency Options are derivatives of futures, you will get current month futures as a search result when you look for Commodity and Currency instead of spot. With this, you can now get ready-made 14 popular Commodity and Currency options strategies in the Pre-built section of Dhan. Also, you can find commodity and currency options strategies based on your outlook for the underlying.

We are sure that Commodity and Currency traders will like this new feature and we are keen to hear your feedback. As always, keep trading on Dhan.

We have created a detailed walkthrough video for better understanding :point_down:

Happy Trading!


Hi @amit & @pavz

Do explore this feature, I believe it can be of help to you for improving your trading strategies and experience.

Looking forward to your feedback.


Much awaited!

Definitely this’ll make life easy! :heart_eyes:


I actually have positions. Does Analyse work , currently dont see that yet right?

Initial observations:

for USD INR can only see Weekly , monthly not seen

@pavz ,

I guess instead of SPOT weekly futures is the reference, but it allows to create monthly strategies from Pre Built Strategies screen.

BTW, ICharts also do the same.

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Big Thanks to Dhan ! Waiting for this feature & now its available. Really appreciate the efforts of Dhan. Thank you once again !! :ok_hand::+1::pray::pray:


One quick question , If I put the legs as part of strategy or basket , if a reverse leg or position created separately , would it sq off the leg part of strategy or basket ? or it would be treated as a different position? Could you please help.

Hi @jacharjya1978, all positions you take via baskets or strategy or individual will be visible in your Positions. Exchange systems do not detect the source of orders, it is based only on positions that are open. So all of them will be reflected as separate positions.

Thanks @PravinJ , That’s my understanding as well from Exchange perspective. However say if one leg with sell position open in a positional strategy , if a buy position created with same qty for an intraday trade , will the whole position going to be squared off . or both the legs would exist and open separately ? Sorry the last sentence , I am still bit confused.

Hi @iamshrimohan,

In this situation, both legs will be open, like sell carry forward and buy intraday position.

I would like to thanks @Dhan for introducing such a wonderful and much waited features in Dhan platform. All the best.

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Thanks for Include Currency USDINR in Strategy Builder.

I have request to please dont include Far USDINR Contract with USDINR Strategy.
For Sell LTP 0.0025 dont have buys. Please check the attachment.

LTP 0.0025 and 0.0050 dont have buys these strategy cant execute both side.

Requesting Please Include USDINR Future + Option Strategy with Strategy Builder

Like above

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Hi @Sreerajpv

Thanks for your inputs. We will definitely try to incorporate it.

Strategy builder is good , can you please incorporate strategy level stop loss and profit target. That would be icing on cake. Though we can add the strategy into a basket , if it could be saved separately for tracking , it would be much more convenient.

How can I save multiple positions/premiums added to custom strategy builder, right now selected positions/premiums are gone on page refresh. I am able to add the the options to the basket but is it possible to bring the whole basket back on custom strategy builder?. If saving of a custom strategy builder positions is possible then adjustments can be done easily. would be nice if we can automatically add running and closed positions to the custom strategy builder. Thanks.

Hi already existing postions in commodity / currency isn’t available yet right ?

When can we expect Pay off for the above

Hi @Naman

Can you bring in option to add FUTURES too along with options int he strategy builder

Also currently don’t see commodities and currency in positions view .when can we expect

Hi @pavz

You can add Futures also in the strategy builder. Go to ‘ADD NEW’ >> Move the toggle to FUT on the top right corner >> Select the desired future contract.

Commodity & Currency is also available in strategy builder both in app & web. On Position Analyser, commodity & currency is on our roadmap.

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