Now Live : MCX Commodity Trading from with Dhan

Dear community,

We love building for our users, investors & traders. One of the asks from early users of Dhan was about charting - we took that as a challenge and have continuously improved and built for our super traders.

Starting first with launching a dedicated Trade from Charts console with TradingView ( and then going further and introducing TradingView Connect with Broker where you can place orders directly from just by choosing Dhan as a broker on the Trading Panel. With that enabled for the first time in India, we now have more than 1,00,000 using Dhan to place orders on

We enabled you to trade in Equities and Equity Futures via Dhan on TradingView. As always, our commitment to delivering incredible trading experience for Indiaโ€™s Super Traders remains unwavering.

Now to take Dhanโ€™s TradingView experience even further we are introducing Commodity Futures trading directly on

Best part? You can use all your favourite premium TradingView features to trade commodities with :point_down:

  1. Pine Editor
  2. Community Script
  3. Bar Replay
  4. Multiple indicators
  5. Multi Chart Layout

If you havenโ€™t connected your Dhan account to TradingView yet, this is how you can do it:

  1. Login to TradingView
  2. Choose Dhan on TradingView Panel
  3. Place trade seamlessly

With this introduction, we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive trading experience right at your fingertips. Note that, Commodity Futures trading is made available across all TradingView platforms, which includes Web and Apps of TradingView.

Let us know your views on this and stay tuned for more updates.

Note: Access to premium features depends on your subscription of TradingView.

Happy Trading!



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