Options Open Interest

Hey @PravinJ @Naman

Not sure this right to left price scale is a bug or feature.


hey @amit we have rectified it and it shall reflect correctly soon.

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Hey @shraddha @Dhan_Cares ,

Even after a month I don’t see it being rectified.

Can I expect the fix now after reporting one more time?

@PravinJ @Naman ,

Can you please enable expiry date selection for this open interest chart? It should be same as Option Chain.

At present, it shows only monthly data not weekly. :person_shrugging:

I’m really not sure if the people trading options rely only on monthly data and ignore the weekly data completely.

Hi @amit

Work is in progress on this, will include once done.

Weekly data is more relevant than monthly from my experience as it is more reflective of the market sentiment these days.

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