Order Placement Issue via Order Panel on tv.dhan.co

Dear @Dhan,

I am facing an issue while placing an order via the order panel.

Please refer below image.

Would you please help me with the order placement via the order panel on tv.dhan.co?

Additionally, do we have any tutorial that describes the whole functionality of the order panel window for order placement?

Lastly, as shown from the above picture the order was rejected. But, the rejection entry is not in the order book. Any specific reason?

Hi @wanderfreelust

As we see you have successfully placed the bracket order. While placing bracket and cover orders, the entry leg can be market or limit price.

Also, here is the complete trading view tutorial for order placing and many more

Hello @Divyesh,

Please take a look at the picture below.

As you can see, certain types of orders like BO (Bracket Order) and CO (Cover Order) are not allowed with SL (Stop Loss) orders from the order panel window. However, with the Trade From Dhan feature, we can place both BO and CO orders along with SL orders.

Hi @wanderfreelust,

As of now, you can place either market or limit order type as an entry while placing BO and CO orders.