Order window size

1}can we get an option to re-size the order window, where we can squeeze it from sides to fit as per user requirements? because it takes lots of space on the chart when undocking.
2} every time I open the order window I have to select limit then tick take profit,stop-loss and enter tick values.
can it remember the last tick values by default so every time users don’t have to insert them every time…


still waiting for any reply…


Welcome to Dhan community. Missed responding to this, apologies.

On 1. let us know which is the screen resolution. Also request you to share a screenshot of how this looks for you on feedback@dhan.co.

In case you are not aware - you can move the window anywhere across the screen by dragging and it will stay at the same place for all your next orders. Or you can toggle and move to sticky order window on right side of your screen.

On 2. Feedback noted. We will implement this.

I use a 43inch 4k monitor, so I have installed dhan tv as an app and I open multiple windows. like this

but this order window takes up a lot of space.

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I think you should look at fyers order user setting and order window. I think their order window also cant be resized but they have a much better compact size.


Noted, we on tradingview.dhan.tv we use the native TradingView experience for order placement, it is has advanced capabilities that many of our users like + also the experience remains same. We thought we will custom build our order window, but that meant giving up on the features and experience.

Here is alternate way that I can suggest to you:

Click on Fullscreen on any order placement screen. You will get a full screen Dhan web experience, and along with this the same TradingView experience that you like.

Over here - you have both experiences, Dhan’s order placement window or you can tap on bid / ask (or the order panel) and get the TradingView order placement windows. We also have custom manage positions placement here on the side menu from Dhan.

well, I think the order window should consist of 2 things.
1}market watch and 2} order panel.
something like this can help traders to place trades fast.

and even an option to open multiple such windows.

That’s exactly what i want !

resizable order window or Horizonal long order window, current order window takes huge space & if we enable Price ladder which is natural in stock option trading. we block more than half of the screen & multi 2 charts doesn’t stay helpful at all in this case…

Fyers order window design & space is impressive but they have lagging problem while editing numbers and that’s the main reason i want to shift to Dhan but few things stopping me [order Margin requirement in TV , Default Product as Intraday (want to set as Normal)]

Hi @Varsha777

I hope, your question is answered here.

@PravinJ @Naman
why don’t you remove this all blank space from order window and make it more compact?