Portfolio section improvement feature request

In portfolio section, its good we have long term marking feature and tab as well for it.
But lt would be very good if there are few more tabs with marking feature for short term, 6/3/1 month timeline stocks. That will really help me because currently i operate multiple demat accounts just to operate short term , mid term and long term and some monthly stocks which i sell on month end.

2)Here if there is grouping of stocks based on time duration would be also a good option. Like grouping of stocks that are bought since 1 month bucket and more than 1 month shows in 3 month bucket and so on…

  1. Also custom list in portfolio is also a good option to add. Like i want to create one separate list in my portfolio section where i only see the stocks that are allotted to me through ipo and want to keep it for long term but dont want to mix that up with other long term stocks
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Hi @Kailash09dabhi,

Welcome to Dhan Community & Thank You for the feedback.

Point 2 is available. For Reference, you can find it in the Portfolio > β€œTerm” tab, where it displays the breakdown based on months: <3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, and >1 year.

As for points 1 and 3, we will surely evaluate them and take it into consideration for future implementation

Thank you,
Product @ Dhan

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@MahimaShah Currently the allocation is displayed in separate horizontal bar graphs. It would be much more readable and easier to understand if pie chart is displayed instead. An equity value curve is also required to track performance. Thanks!

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Hi @thisisbanerjee,

We are currently exploring in a similar direction. We will keep you updated on any developments in this regards.

Product @ Dhan

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Hi @MahimaShah Glad to hear it is being considered. Appreciate your time taken out to respond.

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@MahimaShah i dont see the Term tab in my portfolio section. May be because it just opened in ending of January 2024?

Hi @Kailash09dabhi

Here you can see the grouping of stock based on time duration

I do not see such term tab in my portfolio section . I have totally scrolled to right and term option is not available.May be its because i have opened the account in ending of January and its not yet crossed the 3 months age

@Kailash09dabhi You seem to be bullish on the hospitality sector. I would appreciate if you could share your POV and rationale about the hospitality sector? What are upside risks and downside risks that you see? Thanks.