(Query Resolved) Margin Data on Charts + Volume Bars

@Dhan_Cares @dhan

Hi, From Today morning observing this lag in updtion of margin details in TV.Dhan web while trying to place Option Buy orders. was able to get the margin details eventually after closing the order window and clicking on buy button again and agian.

Observing this lagness only today, it wasn’t there earlier, so thought i’ll bring it to your attention, do check it out


Hi Team Dhan,

@Dhan_Cares @dhan @PravinJ

Addition to the earlier said observation, today observing Volume bars are not getting printed according to their Value, rather, all the volume bars are, being printed with equal heights as we go above in Time frame (from 30Min and above). This is not for all the symbols but for some. Do check this out in TVDhan web

Hi @sirpian I just checked, working well for me. Also no lag observed at our end.

Asking our team at @Dhan_Cares to connect with you.

Hi @sirpian

You must have applied certain settings in the volume indicator. I can see your Volume indicator scale on right hand side is limited to 60-80k. Better you reset the indicator setting. Attached screenshot for reference.

Hi @sirpian,

As discussed over the call we understand your concerns related to margin and volume indicator has been addressed.