Why traders diary always have an issue with updation?
Other brokers are getting last day trades updated at 7 am in the morning.
What is the problem with dhan always?
Hi @Pjhcst It is updated. Please review, its rare that this doesn’t happen - not always. The same occurs only if there are delays in settlement of trades from commodity markets.
I also noticed many time traders diary not update till 8.30 am and also need many update and features in traders diary
- Filters : we need filters in traders diary bcz I trade in stock and fno and next day trader dairy show overall pnl and net pnl and we want to filter option so we can filter what was position in equity trading and what In fno
2 ) improvement of colours coding in trader diary
We need colour coding in which day is Max profit show dark colour and less profit show in light colour same for loss
3 ) The ui of traders diary also need update and give more filters to analyse our past trade bcz this is very useful for traders
- virtual contract note: plz provide virtual contract note so we can know at a time how much brokarage and charges will cut so we can’t wait for next day trader diary update our email contract note
@PravinJ it was updated later but whats the timing of updation?
In fyers its updated at 7 AM.