(Responded) Clarification on Additional charges with Brokerage

I have dual trading accounts and recently switched to Dhan for its superior UI from a scalping perspective, while I continue to use Zerodha for positional trading. I’ve noticed that the additional charges with Dhan are significantly higher compared to Zerodha.

In Zerodha, for a brokerage of ₹480, the additional charges (including CGST, SGST, and other taxes) bring the total to ₹704.14.
Total Additional Charges: ₹704.14 - ₹480 (Brokerage) = ₹224.14

In Dhan, with a brokerage of ₹240, the additional charges amount to ₹179.36, resulting in a total of ₹419.36.
Total Additional Charges: ₹419.36 - ₹240 (Brokerage) = ₹179.36
The additional charges are very high compared to half the trades done in Zerodha.

Although both firms advertise a consistent brokerage fee of ₹20 per trade, there are notable differences in the additional charges. Could you explain the breakdown and rationale behind these differences?

Charges aren’t higher. Its the same in both the platforms, give or take some rupees.

Hi @chethanz The charges should absolutely the same, you will have to compare based on the script & segment in which you are trading and the price of the underlying.

2 Trades in intraday or F&O, the brokerage may be the same - but the charges that government applies are different by the segment. So 4 Trades on Dhan for Futures v/s 4 Trades on other platforms for say Options, will have same brokerage but different charges.

As trading members, we can only define our brokerage. Rest all is largely standardised, irrespective of the platforms you use. Hope this clarifies.

Hi @PravinJ,
Thanks for your response. To let you know both are from options but one is MIS (Dhan) and other is NRML (Zerodha), which i believe should not have any impact on the charges as the brokerage charges remain same.
I could able to get the breakdown of cost for Zerodha but couldnt able to find the same in dhan, to get more details. Please let me know your views.
Hope attached screenshots should able to provide more info.

Attached the screenshots for reference

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Attached the dhan screenshot for reference