(Responded ) Logged out in live market - Session Invalidated

Hello Team, I was logged out of my Dhan account(Web) few minutes back asking to re-login. Luckily there was no trade placed.
Please check why this occurs in live market , this could lead to serious impact if any trades placed & I get logged out.
My internet connection was stable & Mobile app was still running though.

Hi @Avinash_V

Welcome to MadeForTrade community. If the session gets invalidated for any reason, you will be logged out or will be asked to re-verify / re-authenticate the session.

Account security is important. One can always login to mobile app (in a second) with biometric and manage their trades / positions if any.

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Hi PJ, Thanks for the response.
for my more understanding in what scenarios such incident occurs ?

Hi @PravinJ,

Could you provide some specific triggers for session invalidations? As of now, what is happening is whenever the session gets logged out, Dhan attributes it to invalidation. But this is not leading to diagnose of the problem.

I fully understand that such invalidation might be prompted from something at the user’s end. However, it would be good if we can have some common reasons for invalidation for being careful in the future so as not to trigger them.

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Hi @Avinash_V @Shally Well, it is a combination of many things and its best not to mention security & session rules in public domain or otherwise.

These are for safety of accounts, I hope you would understand the importance of this. I can understand that this reply may be disappointing, we try to assist and be transparent wherever we can. But this one is an exception.


Hi @PravinJ, understood your concern.

Let me provide feedback from my end.

I have noticed that everytime this issue has occurred only when I logged in during off market hours or late midnight and then used the same session during market hours.

For e.g., I woke up at 4 am and started checking charts and then continued to use that session only, then it logs out of the session during market hours.

Similar behaviour happens when I log in at 11 p.m. and then same session continues till morning when markets open.

These are few scenarios that I have observed. Kindly check if something can be done for this or the observation itself is not correct.

Nobody wants this type of security feature.
It is a BIG NO for scalpers.
A scalper buys and sells within 5-10 seconds and books profit. If this logout issue happened when position is opened, loss will be catastrophic because scalping is done with large quantity.
Please remove this security feature otherwise serious scalper will never signup with you.
Zerodha’s kite is the most reliable platform, they don’t have these type of features.
This feature is only a hassle for serious scalpers. A single instance of SECURITY LOGOUT can wipe off half of the capital if it happens in the middle of an ongoin scalp.
As an experienced and serious scalper, I am requesting you to remove this security feature.

Please don’t compare Kite with Dhan web. Dhan web never logs out for me during live market hours. It is easy to write sensational stuff which may come across smart to readers, but those never help anybody.

If you have validated a session during the day, it will remain as-is unless you have cleared cache or did some out of the ordinary stuff.

With Kite if you close the browser, you are doomed. If you close all the Kite tabs, you are doomed. Mobile app of Kite requires a biometric EVERYTIME it is closed. I don’t understand which aspect of Kite you are thinking to be “the best”.

I am 4 months into Kite, I am already regretting my decision so again moving into my home-turf Dhan

I am not saying that Zerodha is bad or so, but they have had gotten way too comfortable with their position. They simply don’t care anymore.

With this what I understand is that Dhan has some kind of timer system that logs you out.

If we re login around 8:30am the session remains active during market hours.
Might be some hidden 8-10 hour timer is there…

I think this is the real problem.

Why did you move to Kite? Any particular reason or something you didn’t like about Dhan?

Absolutely correct! No innovation in last 3-4 years, lagging behind new brokers in terms of features, they are more and more profit oriented now.

I moved there because they were offering MF pledging… now Dhan is about to launch demat MFs and MF pledging and it can be used to trade in MTF.

Waiting for the release here at Dhan.

There’s nothing as such to not like about Dhan, in particular because whatever feedbacks I gave, almost all of them were implemented/fixed.


Well… session security is more important than anything else. If the session gets invalidated, it will log-out. Rule based timers we generally tend to avoid and give priority to others.

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@pradumya, I also observed and highlighted the same behaviour!

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