(Responded) Query with Forever Order

Hi. One day, I bought some Nifty CE and placed a Forever Sell OCO order. Even though the LTP reached the trigger price, the order was not triggered. I thought that it could be a one time glitch. But I’d tried again twice some other days, but my orders were not even triggered. In all the cases, the market was not volatile. Even though the price reached my trigger price multiple times, the orders weren’t triggered. Please look into this issue.

And please consider adding Forever order to charts. A GTT order with Trailing SL would be even better than a Forever order. I love Dhan, but this issue is forcing me to go away from Dhan. Please fix these issues as soon as possible.


Hi @sooraj Just checked your account, there is no active forever order or any past trades for nearly 3 weeks. Request you to connect with our Customer Care team for account specific query.

Our team will check specific logs and review this. Drop a note on help@dhan.co.

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Hi @PravinJ Just a kind nudge from my side for MF pledge. :smiling_face_with_tear: I really can’t wait to start trading.

Yes, I changed the broker 3 weeks back as the Forever orders weren’t working. The issue first happened some 3 months back, and twice some time in last month IIRC. I used Forever orders on 3 occasions (if I remember correctly), all the 3 attempts were a failure.