Search needs optimization

Your search is really not up to mark. It wastes a lot of time while selecting the strike price. Here is an example.
I am selecting 74600 sensex expiry and see what i am seeing.
1)Gold sep month expiry
2) sensex next week expiry not the current one!!

Please fix this current expiry strike price should come on top.
Here 3 May should appear before 10 May expiry

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Hi @amitranj Feedback noted on this. Will check why Gold showed up, usually it depends on combination highest Open Interest + Trade volumes for search.

Thanks for highlighting this.

@PravinJ Search could favour a bit similar to the actual keyboard input instead of user generated data. Sometimes simple is elegant.

I feel somebody at Dhan should actively use the Dhan platform (like a super trader) to iron out these bugs. As said by someone, the greatest companies are their own customers first.