Sell authorisation issue on smallcase

Hi dhan team. Smallcase giving popup - Facing Sell authorisation issue: We are facing issues with Dhan in authorization of stocks for your sell orders. We are working closely with them to get this fixed. and I unable to reconile my holding.

Hey @Sbsumz4344 ,

This could be because you have sold those individual stocks from your portfolio holdings on Dhan. Request you to please DM me your contact details so I can check this for your account.

Product @ Dhan

Hey @Pranita

Smallcase says that all 22 stocks are missing from my holdings. but I have not sold all 22 stocks.
I am attaching a few snapshots. please help.


hey @Pranita. @PravinJ

This issue is still not fixed. I want to invest more in proper weights but am unable to do so because of Dhanโ€™s authorization issue. Could you please review this matter ASAP?

Hi @Sbsumz4344 Seems to work well at our end, I just logged in and checked for my account.

Can you try on this url: Invest in ideas | smallcases on dhan. We will check with smallcase team.

No. It still shows the wrong data. small case was rebalanced on 18 and updated stocks on 18 are also not showing. @Pranita said over mail this issue at Dhanโ€™s end. but yet not resolved.

Hi @Sbsumz4344,

We deployed fixes for these issues over the weekend. Also, the stocks purchased by you on 19th, have been credited to your demat account and are reflecting on the back office. Request you to please relogin and retry now. For selling/rebalancing, please complete eDIS verification on Dhan and try again. Hope this helps.

If you still have any queries regarding this issue, please send me a mail on

Thank you,
Product @ dhan