I read Now mark your Long-Term Portfolio separately on Dhan and loved the feature and nudge.
The “Today” tab is very good. This feature is not in Zerodha. I can see which stocks are rising/falling during/after market hours. I don’t want to clutter it with experimental/low-investment value stocks.
To make things less complicated (below request is script/ISIN wise instead of trade wise/ quantity wise)
1st request: I think it can be improved further: in settings, there should be a toggle that long-term holdings can be shown/not-shown in the all-portfolio as per the user’s liking. PS: Currently the app has the option to see Long-Term holdings as a separate portfolio but it doesn’t hides/deletes it from the main portfolio. I want to hide those stocks from the main portfolio and show them only in the long term portfolio holdings tab.
So, 3 Options:
a. Showing same ISIN code in both: main and long-term holdings (Already implemented)
b. Showing Long term holdings only in long-term holdings and not in overall portfolio. (feature Request)
c. Showing stocks marked as long-term holding only in overall portfolio and not separately. (Already Implemented)
d. Showing it neither in long-term holdings nor in overall!
As the person won’t like to see the statistics for long-term holdings daily or whenever he sees his app. Long-term holdings are actually cluttering the main portfolio. Long-term holdings mean the person doesn’t want to touch it even if it drops or rises. So, there’s no point in seeing it in the main portfolio.
2nd Request is to Have some more long-term portfolio holdings!:
I think your team has the framework ready. The code needs to be modified a bit.
Portfolio 2 (that’s a subset of the main portfolio) that you have hard-named as Long-Term Holdings.
Please, give user the option of having more portfolios (Portfolio 3, Portfolio 4 and so on and that can be renamed to user liking say Momentum Portfolio, Value Portfolio, Experimental Portfolio, High Risk Portfolio, Tiny Portfolio, etc.)