Smallcase login via Dhan mobile app deep-linking

Smallcase login flow (via mobile app, not talking about webapp here) on Zerodha, basically redirects the user to Zerodha app to then allow access to Smallcase login rather than redirecting to zerodha website, and ask for user credentials again. The latter is what happens with logging in via Dhan on smallcase. Every week smallcases have a rebalance, and it forces user to re-enter password + OTP again and again rather than re-using the login state of Dhan app already. This is a bit annoying.

If smallcase redirection to Dhan app (worked similar to how it works for Zerodha), then there wouldn’t have been a need to enter password + OTP again and again, as Dhan mobile app stays logged in always anyways. This is also more secure to use Dhan app for approving login for all third party integrations, than entering password again and again.

Please consider this request. As the current state is unfortunately extremely annoying and suboptimal UX :frowning:

Hi @dhanuser1 If you are already logged on Dhan app, and already are in portfolio (of smallcase) or discovery of smallcase, one can easily tap and in a single-click login to smallcases with Dhan credentials via SSO (single sign-on) and browse / invest in smallcases seamlessly.

On Dhan, the experience is completely seamless for investing in smallcase, in addition to the many unique features like - segregated portfolio and zero fees/ brokerage on smallcase investments where many platforms charge INR 100 bucks for every investment made.

Well, I’m not sure of the other app mentioned when it comes to user experience so can’t comment on it.

Pravin, I’m talking about smallcase rebalances not new investments. For rebalances you have to be routed from Smallcase app if I’m not wrong. Feel free to correct me please if that’s not the case.

Even for new investments not all the smallcases are listed on Dhan app (like certain paid smallcases are only listed on smallcase main website, and not on the dhan subdomain smallcase site) if I’m not wrong. Even if they are listed it’s easier to analyse different smallcase portfolios on Smallcase website than via dhan website - for example seeing cost adjusted returns etc - which are not visible on dhan app smallcase section and only visible on smallcase website. @PravinJ

Hi @dhanuser1 Well, these are flows that are triggered by smallcases like rebalances, not us. In that case, smallcase will inform you via email or web and it will ask for a mandatory authentication if sessions are not valid. That is absolutely a standard protocol for applications to work.

Once again - all free smallcases are listed on Dhan. For specific ones like paid smallcases, there has to be an commercial engagement between the manager of smallcase, smallcase and us - only they get listed; unless that is in place they won’t get listed.

Both these experiences mentioned by you are possibly standard across all brokers, and nothing specific to Dhan. Hope this clarifies.

@PravinJ Please checkout how smallcase integrates with Zerodha. And you’d know what I was trying to convey in the original post. And I’m pretty sure there’d be no exception integration that smallcase would have done with Zerodha, zerodha only made that change for how apps can do “login with zerodha”. Rather than asking user to re login, it re-uses the app’s mobile session.

It’s not a standard protocol for how it works, you can setup oauth signins to re-use mobile app sessions (just like how opening an amazon web redirection link on mobile redirects to it’s app rather than opening the browser - similarly a login link triggered from smallcase could redirect user to the dhan app to verify login rather than being redirected to the web for re-login which is the current state) rather than force user to do a Dhan web login again.

I don’t know why you’re almost being arrogant (trying to defend Dhan when I’m talking about something else which can be improved, I’m using Dhan for good reasons so I know it’s better in some ways but also worse off in other ways where it can be improved), and not even checking how your peer companies do it before making a conclusion already of your perceived understanding.

No one is being arrogant, I honestly feel that whenever we comment that few things we can’t do or even if we place an opinion or view which does not match with someone - we get labelled as arrogant. That’s never the case, we have changed our positions many times in the past. Whatever makes Dhan better experience, we try to make it happen.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to say, this is not something “which you cannot do technically”. It’s possible given Zerodha has done it already. Not sure if you have checked their integration with smallcase yet - try it on the smallcase/zerodha mobile app.

You can click on smallcase basket from Dhan portfolio and it will open smallcase website from their you can rabalance. It doesn’t require login.