Sneak Preview: 20-Depth for Options Trading (in Beta) on Dhan

Most welcome @PravinJ sir

@PravinJ your dom 20 depth is really very very fast, thanks for such a beautiful product. Kudos to the team …running live scanx, and 8 tabs with dhan 20 dom, not a single delay in fetching the data, dom moving faster than the chart price, can find really were the point of control of the price can be seen …
Keep it up .
Not a glitch on the data opening 8 tabs, and no load on the internet. All Butter walk …


Yes, we continue to optimise this for best performance @sunny123. That said, do keep a watch on this always.

@Dhanush4777 @Pradumya @Duck @BIR we have an interesting update coming up here :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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@shraddha Full Depth data in charts ?