Ssl connection closed and websocket getting discoonected

After some time of websocket connection established, ssl connection closed message is appearing for 10-15 times and then socket.send() raised exception message is shown and application is stopped. I have copied the same code of websockets as it is given in community feed.Even I have subscribed to data apis

Hello @Naga_Praneeth

Welcome to MadeForTrade community!

This exception is not on library, as socket.send function is not used anywhere. Also, unexpected close is handled already. Can you point out to the code that you are using right now for this.

I have used the code posted by you on the above link.Can i somehow bypass ssl while running the code

Hello @Naga_Praneeth

I do not think SSL needs to be bypassed here or raising an exception. If the connection is closed, you need to add logic to reconnect to the same.