Invested watch list is auto created, maintained, synchronized on dhan web platform and dhan mobile platform but the same is not synchronized on dhan TV platform’s watch list.
Attension @PravinJ , @Naman , @Kiran
Is this issue exits only for my account? or is it a bug?
Hi @dhantrade ,
It is neither an issue nor a bug, we have addressed here kindly refer below link.
Not found any solution. Tell me how to get “invested” watch list on TV platform?
Hi @dhantrade
Earlier, we had enabled invested watchlist on but later we removed this. To understand the concept of removing the invested watchlist, you may read the below post once.
@Sameet , @Divyesh . Be direct, let me know whether it is possible to have locked, auto maintained watch list for all portfolio holdings on TV platform? Yes or No?
Hi @dhantrade - No the invested watchlist is not available on However your portfolio is available in console below, you can tap on any of these holdings and load the chart.
Thanks for quick response. I know this but its buggy too.
- When I tap portfolio on console then it takes some part of my screen, so I left with less space for chart.
- Like watch list you cannot scroll the holding list with Up/Down arrow key(With watch list view minimized), you have to use your mouse.
Again on Dhan trading panel, my holding are not showing too…
I get this, but unfortunately we had to make that choice. It was very frustrating for users who by mistake added stocks to invested watchlist and then it disappeared.
If you are not able to see your invested watchlist on or dhan apps, please drop a note on and team at @Dhan_Cares will assist. Bit odd, it shouldn’t happen. We will check.
I see “Invested” watch list on my Dhan Mobile and Dhan web. I am ok if you delete the invested watch list and re-create on all there platform. Is it possible?
Nope, that is not possible. We gave it earlier on, led to lots of confusion and frustration for users.