As someone who is most of the time on a low signal area, i find sms otp authentication very slow at times. I have always had comfort of using TOTP auth apps and replaced sms otps. Hope this is not regulation bound since there are other brokers who offer TOTP instead of sms otps in india.
It would be better if @Dhan , @PravinJ includes in future roadmap of dhan.
[Ps: incase if totp is already supported let me know, i could only see sms otps and app pin support in settings, cannot add external auth apps]
Hi @TraderX
SMS delivery of our Login happens via transaction pipes (same as one used by banks) on mobile carriers and the performance of that is measured everyday.
We had evaluated TOTP / third party logins (Google, FB, etc) long time, decided to drop because we want to ensure our login and authentication mechanism is 100% managed and controlled by us. This is one of those scenarios which goes wrong very very rarely, but in event something goes wrong, we will be able to recover much faster.
Yes, there are regulations for login and authentication for trading platforms, we comply with all - few do with external apps, we prefer doing with our own technology and infrastructure.
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