Trigger Price for Market Price Order

Hi, I get Trigger price not in range when placing BO order via API. I want to place BO order at market price, so what should be the value for trigger_price param ?

Hello @abhinav47

Welcome to Dhan Community!

You can leave trigger_price as 0.0 for placing BO Market Order.

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It Still says trigger price not in range

"boStopLossValue": 5,
"drvExpiryDate":"07/03/2024 14:30",



Response is very slow on either of the forums. Be it call/Email or this thread. I am not able to test my project because of same. @Hardik

Hello @abhinav47

A note here, BO Market order is not available right now. You will have to place a limit order only.

Do we have any API where i can fetch realtime price and send it in API

Hey @abhinav47

Yes, you can use Live Market Feed - here to fetch realtime price and place the order.