TV Alerts UI Feedback

Good day @PravinJ

It is great to see Dhan has brought Alerts on TV finally :clap:

I would like to request enhancement for better usage

  1. Needs multi-select for deleting alerts in bulk
  2. Need a button to “Delete All” alerts instantly
  3. Need a button to reset the alert and enable/activate it again
  4. Lot of wasted space as seen in the image
  5. Alignment issue seen on Time column
  6. All columns except “Script Name” seems to be right justified. Left justification would look neat and less awkward.

If I notice anything else I will reply to this topic

Thanks in advance :+1:


7. Filter mechanism for sorting alerts based on instrument (Index/EQ/Commodity/etc)
8. Font should be slightly thicker for better visibility. I’ve a large screen monitor and it’s too thin to quickly read.
9. Reactivate button should also be added to notification popup window also apart from the Alerts window which have been requested earlier which makes it easier (The window which appears on bottom left when alert gets triggered)

Also required sorting of alerts alphabetically and creation date.

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Thanks for the suggestions @VSDTheTrendSailor @yogesh86k, will evaluate these and add to our list of things to ship.

I think the active alerts show a trigger time of 01/01/1970, 05:30:00 and are aligned to the left. The triggered alerts, however, display the correct time and are aligned to the right.


Maybe Dhan should display “Active” or “N/A” for active alerts.



Thanks for highlighting this! We’ve shared it with our team and will update this.

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  1. Filter mechanism for sorting alerts based on instrument (Index/EQ/Commodity/etc)
  2. Font should be slightly thicker for better visibility. I’ve a large screen monitor and it’s too thin to quickly read.
  3. Reactivate button should also be added to notification popup window also apart from the Alerts window which have been requested earlier which makes it easier (The window which appears on bottom left when alert gets triggered)


There should be a button for viewing the chart of triggered alert immediately if the user needs.

Also NOTES is not being displayed in the pop-up.

You can give Radio buttons to choose whether one wants to go LONG or SHORT if the alert triggers and that being displayed in the pop-up. Also if someone has typed long Notes then there should be a button “VIEW NOTES”.



When I click VIEW ALERT, Alerts window opens and thats it.

There should be a blink/fade animation or something which highlights where is that Alert which got triggered in that long list of alerts.

With current setup, to see notes of that Alert I need to waste time to search for the triggered alert first and then read notes which consumes lot of time.

For a long term investor, this may not matter but for day traders and Options traders quick execution is crucial and this UI/UX wastes lot of valuable time.

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