Unable to search some Sovereign Gold Bond (SGBs) series

Hi Dhan team,

I’m trying to find SGBDEC26 (ISIN: IN0020180389) on Dhan search bar and it’s not yielding any results (tried search term with ISIN, SGB DEC 2026 with space and without space). I’m unable to find even some other SGBs of years like 2027, 2029 and so on. Would be helpful of Dhan team could help me find this particular bond and be able to add it to watchlist like other SGBs. Also i request for optimization of search with SGBs and even other bonds. Just searching some listed bonds which are actively trading on BSE or NSE also doesn’t come up many times in Dhan (Either the bonds must come up on entering ISIN or specific name of bond both of which fails many times and gives me no results).

@ValueInvestor0 On Dhan SGBs are displayed with their coupon rates and redemption date. The most traded (high volume) security is displayed at the top. Also, we are soon coming up with watchlist of SGBs where you can find all the SGBs just like ETFs. stay tuned!

Thank you for replying. I tried similar search term “SGB 2.5%: RD 28 DEC 2026”. But didn’t find it based on subscription date end. Anyways i found the problem where the search term should be “SGB 2.5%: RD 1 JAN 2027” based on issuance date and not subscription date. Won’t say it’s problem on Dhan end in this case.

Would be helpful as you told if you guys could come up with watchlist of SGBs just like ETFs. There maybe 64-65 SGBs (yet to mature) on that list/watchlist utmost at this point and would be helpful following them :slight_smile: