Update: Trading Limits against Credit for Sale (CFS) and Sell restrictions effective 8 May 2023

Important: Trading Limits against Credit for Sale (CFS) and Sell restrictions effective 8 May 2023

Hello Traders / Investors,

Exchanges have recently made some changes in the Peak Margin Collection and its reporting by brokers. More details can be found in this circular (https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP56512.pdf). We have also posted on this topic earlier on this post - Evolving Margin Rules for Stock Brokers (Evolving margin rules and it’s impact on Brokers and Trading Clients effective 2 May 2023).

In compliance with these changes, we have updated the policy on Trading Limits and Order Management when you Sell Stock Holdings or Securities under the Cash Segment in the Delivery and MTF mode. This is an important change, and we request all investors and traders to make a note of this.

Earlier when you sold any stock from holdings (either Delivery or MTF), 80% of the sale value proceeds of the stocks you sold was available for trading instantly and balance 20% was withheld as margin for the said sell transaction which was made available to you the next day. This was under the presumption that the early pay-in of the securities sold was being allowed same-day but after the close of trading hours until the prescribed early pay-in cut off that is set by the clearing corporation.

Now with the changes in place regarding Margin Reporting and Settlement, only after the successful early pay-in of the securities, the 80% credit of the sale proceeds can be passed on as Trading Limit to the clients for buying any other stock or taking fresh positions in any other exchange segments.

We understand that Trading Limits and Margins are important for Traders, and to comply with the change, we have changed our processes to do the early pay-in of the securities sold on real time (in regular batches) and will continue to grant limits against the credit for sale post confirmation of early pay-in.

However, this will also come with certain changes/restrictions the way you buyback the securities sold as mentioned below, to avoid early pay-in default and you don’t land-up in risk.

  • If you sell any stock from CNC holding (Delivery), buying the same stock again via MTF or CNC will not be permitted on the same day.

  • If you sell any stock from MTF holding, buying the same stock again via MTF or CNC will not be permitted on the same day.

To ensure you continue to trade without any such limitations, we suggest that if you sell any CNC stock, where you want to trade in it again - you can buy the same stock again only after converting your position into intraday (MIS).

Note: MTF is Margin Trading Facility where in partial funding is done by the Stock Broker (in this case us) and CNC is cash and carry where the shares bought are paid in full but maybe pledged for getting trading limits.

Why did we do this?

Case 1:
Assume that you, the client, sold 100 shares of Reliance purchased via MTF. Against this order, we will do an early pay-in to give the 80% credit of sale.

Since shares purchased under MTF are always pledged, they will be first un-pledged and then early pay-in would be initiated. Now when the client again purchases 100 shares of Reliance there will be no net pay-in obligation. The previously generated early pay-in instruction will fail and will be reversed by clearing corporation and shares will become free in the clients demat account.

Now this will lead to the closure of the MTF position as there will be no corresponding securities pledged against shares purchased via MTF. The debit in MTF will be shifted to the client’s normal trading ledger and thus the client’s margin may get restricted and trading limits reduced due to the debit in normal trading ledger. This may also lead to margin penalty charges as well as interest on debits and margin shortages.

Case 2:
Assume the client sold 100 shares of Reliance via CNC. Against this order, we will do an early pay-in to give the 80% credit of sale.

Using the sale proceeds of 80% the client again purchases another stock or takes any position in Future and Options. Now when the client again purchases 100 shares of Reliance, there will be no pay-in obligation. The previously generated early pay-in instruction will fail and reversed by the clearing corporation and shares will become free in the clients demat account.

The new purchase of stock or new position in Futures and Options created against 80% sell benefit will be become uncovered and fall short of margins (due to failure of early pay-in and removal of pledge)

The debit against new purchase and/or non availability of margins for new Futures and Options positions will lead to debit in normal trading ledger and thus the client’s margin may get restricted and trading limits reduced due to the debit in normal trading ledger. This may also lead to margin penalty charges as well as interest on debits and margin shortages.

Concluding Notes:

These are evolving regulations and as they get implemented, we want to ensure that your trading and investing experience continues to be as seamless as possible, which we manage on the backend with our operations team. However, we also feel it is important for you to be aware of how your margins and limits on trading are updated in such scenarios.

At Dhan, we are always aligned towards bringing you the best possible experience while trading & investing. While we do that, we also have to ensure that we are compliant at all times. If there are further changes or enhancements to the margin rules and its implementation, we will keep our users posted.

Thank you
Rajesh Jain


I am unable to buy back the same stock after selling them from holdings on the same day. If it was across all brokers, then it had to be the most disastrous rule in the history of equity delivery segment. But then I got in touch with the largest broker and they said that nothing changes for their clients and they can buy the same stock on the same day in CNC segment even after selling from holdings and said that the brokers who are having restrictions in buying back same day might be having technical limitations in their backend processes on how they handle settlement.

So please provide clarity on this - is this change introduced at Dhan because of some technical limitation on your end? Because if it was a universal black and white rule, it would be implemented across all brokers. If yes, when will it be back to normal? I had to urgently do withdrawal and add funds to other broker to place the buy order I wanted to. I want to trade on Dhan as well but this rule change no longer allows me to do so as I buy same day quite often whenever the opportunity arises. @PravinJ @Rajesh


Hi @gegobyte, this has to do margin reporting that happens with exchanges as conveyed in the original post. The changes are to comply with the regulations that are evolving, not sure why someone would want to comment about our technical limitations. Having said that, we are making changes based on our processes to report margins of users, hence the said changes.

@PravinJ : The way around for re-entering a position, is to buy first as an intraday order and then convert to delivery (possible way, though a very cumbersome one). But the problem arises when this is done after the cutoff time of the day, since during that time the intraday new position is not getting allowed. Is there a way around it? If not, how is Dhan thinking to help traders cope with the problem here and also follow regulations? As @gegobyte rightly mentioned, " it had to be the most disastrous rule in the history of equity delivery segment". Often we equity swing traders face situations where if the market proves us wrong, we may have to reverse the position. With this new rule, we just have to sit and watch our position decision mistake on screen without being able to rectify that

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Yes, I understand. In fact, I did check changes made by some other brokers just to ensure, some of them do not permit repurchase of stocks on same day. We made changes in our operations to do early pay-in so that clients can get benefit of 80% sell value on same day.

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@PravinJ Would that mean that we would be able to re-enter a postion on the same day as before ?

@PravinJ Correct me if I’m wrong. Say I sell CNC holdings for 5 lakhs, I would be given credit of 4 lakhs with which I can buy any other security other than the ones that I sold. Is this right? How does this change affect people invested through smallcase? Coz on the rebalance date one would be required to sell and buy on the same day. Thanks in advance.

Hi @doctorvettri

In such scenario, you can rebalance the smallcases with a different stock but not with the same stock.

This decision by Regulatory Authority is disaster for swing traders. Traders have to keep sufficient funds in the account to raise a new order for the same stock to buy which was sold earlier in the day from Holdings.

I thought of a work around. Suppose in the morning I sold 100 shares from the holdings, say @ Rs 100/ each. If price drops to say Rs90, I can convert running position from delivery to intraday and buy again the shares sold in the morning, but this is to be done before intraday settlement time.

I am facing two issues in this situation:

  1. The process to buy back shares involves three steps: delivery to intraday, buying the shares in delivery, and intraday to delivery. To accomplish this, I need to submit three POST requests.
  2. Unfortunately, it is not possible to initiate a buyback after 3:20 PM.

These limitations are significant enough for me to consider this situation a deal breaker. From a technical standpoint, Dhan could potentially enable buybacks in the delivery category as well, and handle the margin adjustment automatically in the backend without causing any inconvenience to the user.

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Would it be correct to assume, if I have X no.s shares in delivery - AND I want to do a quick intraday trade - i.e short sell at a higher price and then buy back at a lower price - I can do this using a MIS order.

Can I sell X shares via a MIS order and if the position goes against, and I think selling it is better for the day - i just convert that MIS order to a CNC order and let it debit from delivery. (Of course, all this needs to be done before 320 PM).

Would the above process work well ?

I am not able to rebalance smallcase because of this. Further why repurchase not allowed when i have sufficient funds in fund balance.

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I am able to repurchase the stocks sold someday in Kite app. Please clarify why not allowed in Dhan. Further why cant dhan allow to use Fund balance.


Hi @getp Beena,

Welcome to Dhan Community!

Yes, if the user continues to follow the CDSL process and have authorised the delivery transaction for the day. For a seamless selling of shares, you can directly convert with the help of the DDPI feature.

More on DDPI in the below community post :

I also didn’t understand why client cannot buy the same share in delivery if the client has adequate funds. @Rajesh @Dhan_Cares pls let me know.


Hi @t7support ,

When stocks are sold, 80% CFS benefit is provided and if same stock is bought back again it will not result into delivery trade & you may land up in risk and margin shortages. However, if there is sufficient margin then you may convert the position to intraday and then buyback the same stock.

Product @ Dhan

Every order is executed only if there is sufficient fund. Dhan RMS ensures this I guess. So how can there be a risk of margin shortage ?

So, say I sell 100 shares at 10 Rs from delivery/MTF. And I try to buy 100 shares for delivery then Dhan is not allowing it though I have more than 1 lac free balance in the account. What is the logic here?

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@Pranita any thoughts on this ?