Webhook Order Execution Issue

My Pine Script generated 154 Buy/Sell alerts on TradingView today, whereas only 82 are recorded in the executed orders log on Dhan.

What is the reason for this discrepancy?

Is there a known issue with Dhan over the past two days?

may be related to this :point_up_2:

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Hello @Ankush17

Can you tell me the which segment do you trade in? Also, good to see you around after a while.

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Hey Hardik,

I was trading in Nifty Weekly Options

Update - This issue may have been originated from NSE or Dhan, rather than from TV.

Digged in a bit, it was concluded that all trades were successfully executed in the last 2.5 hour yesterday. The data is as follows:

As of today the alerts and the Dhan platform are functioning correctly. :+1:t2:

Hey @t7support ,

I have a strong feeling too, this was the definite cause.

Thanks for you input.

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Mr. Hardik, sorry to say but your margin management is not good (say worst) i m doing trading through webhook your margin managment fail EXIT order.

Please check.

is this is only with webhook or with other algos also please help if anyone here doing trading with algo

Nifty are good

This is a known issue. To my knowledge Dhan is working to reduce the margin update delay. Last Saturday during exchange mock test several updates to fix margin related issues were pushed and tested. More hopefully will happen as we go forward.

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Hello @Renu_Kumar

We would like to know more on this. Are you facing issue while exiting position itself? Or is it multiple trades in single JSON which requires margin to be released simultaneously for other orders to be placed?


Any order type that places two orders fast - first to close an existing position that blocks margin and then open another position that blocks margin fails, if there is not enough margin to hold both the first and second positions together. Dhan margin update speed is 1 Sec or more which is the problem. Ideally this should happen at mS interval like with other brokers.