When can we expect fully fledged mutual funds investing on dhan web

I would say investing is an important endeavor. and we users would like to consume as much information as possible before investing. Though your mobile UI looks solid enough at the end of the day its mobile… it is restrictive in manner.

I personally would love to open and analyze information in multiple tabs.

When I got your email explaining all " mutual fund management in one place". . I was like finally yes… and then… to my disappointment, there is nothing in the web for mutual funds.

Well as the mobile app is ready you got all the backend and apis… ready. kindly put a front-end resource on this. we need MF on Dhan WEB

Hi @Yogan We will evaluate bringing MF on web at appropriate time, its on the cards but a priority. We have maintained that web platforms will be more aligned for traders & long term investing.

Building products takes time, I had built a significantly larger MF investing platform and web contributed towards < 1% adoption. So, it will have to wait out. Even for MF - we have shared that we will be building MF on demat format, pledging on MF and also UPI mandate based payments on MF. These are significantly larger projects and post we execute them, we will move to next on MF.

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I know development is hard… Eagerly waiting for you guys to pull this off @PravinJ . personally I love dhan when compared to other platform interms of user experience (I’m UX guy myself). right now i have MF stuffs in icici direct., paytm money etc… It would be nice to move everything here and manage them in future… for comparing mf’s data, web experience is important for me… Waiting here.

Thanks for the kind words @Yogan, we hope to not disappoint you. Never a intention from us. :slight_smile:

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If there is Demat MFs, rest assured there will be MF Web. No point in even doubting that. The team is small, dev will take time.