When will online nomination go live?

When will online nomination go live?


Hi @gegobyte, we understand this is very important to our users. We are working on this and it will be available soon.


Hi @gegobyte,

We’ve just gone live with our nomination facility. Do check it out here. We’re sorry you had to wait this long but would urge you to add your nominees soon.

Let me know if you have any doubts :slight_smile:


Guys, Is it available on Web? I could not find it though on Web. Other point being, can we have both Web and App treated at par in terms of feature release? Many instances I can see that Web is being meted out a stepmotherly treatment.


Hi @sloth,

Nomination Facility is not available on Web yet. Be rest assured, this is part of a progressive launch on all platforms to ensure stability; and will be available on web very soon. We will notify you once it goes live. Thank you. :slight_smile: