Where to find total number of application in each category of an IPO?

I can find live subscription rates on exchange websites, but is there any way to know the participation rate or the number of applications in each category like QIB, NII, and RII?

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Hi @SmallCapHunter We intend to bring this on IPO sections of Dhan. I guess this is usually published by the exchanges where book building process happens.

Exchanges are publishing only the subscription rate, not the participation rate. The participation rate tells more accurately about the chance of allotment, that is what I am looking for.

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@SmallCapHunter Number of applications (in terms of number of shares) in each category can be found on the exchange website itself. Check https://www.nseindia.com/market-data/issue-information?symbol=VPRPL&series=EQ&type=Active for VPRPL data.

I know this, as I mentioned earlier they are only showing the subscription rate, not the participation/application rate, If a company is issuing 100 lots and 100 investors subscribe for 2 lots the subscription rate will be 2X but the participation rate is 1X only because there were 100 investors for 100 lots, every investor will get 1 lot, and chances of allotment is 100%. See on Chittorgarh.com they are showing the Participation/Application rate (31.27), but that is the overall rate, I am concerned about the retail participation rate as I subscribe in that category.

I haven’t found any source for this info but in the future, if you find any source pls do share.

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BRO i to have same problem did u got answer
if yes please tell me where can we see how many applications one ipo got

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I didn’t get any solution for this yet.

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@SmallCapHunter @ sai_ganesh

The answer to your questions (regarding non transparency in disclosing number of applications received by concerned agencies) lies in below mentioned news article and youtube video -

  1. The IPO scam - The genesis and the solution - Initial Public Offer
  2. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mh46fvrPDvk

Powerful people are making ‘‘Pappu’’ of all small investors of India.

The big question arises here is why one investor should go to 3rd party website like chittorgarh.com when the NSE & BSE exists in this world, to disclose all IPO applications data on their websites.

These agencies send regular emails regarding taking cautions against the fraudsters but why they are shying away from disclosing the crucial IPO data on their websites like total no of applications received, full details of successful IPO allottees categorywise (full name, PAN no, Demat account no, how many lots allotted to how many people).

This raises serious doubts on the whole allotment process as the people who invested in IPOs hoping to get allotment have a fundamental right to know WHO got final allotment and HOW.

Exactly. This should be made mandatory for the exchanges to disclose this crucial data along with WHO got allotment and HOW?


This has Application wise subscription data on IPOs check for any open/closed IPOs