Fair Value Gap Indicator

Can you please provide “fail value gap” indicator for 15m, 30m, 1h times frames(all in one)


Hi @appani.muralikrishna

Welcome to the community.

There different variation of Fair Value Gap Indicator in the market. Can you share the link of the indicator that you use ?

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@Naman Is it possible to create this indicator inside dhan tv? . I have provided indicator details above.

HI @Naman: This is the most popular and accurate FVG indicator on TV. Hope you can develop something like this for Dhan. Fair Value Gap [LuxAlgo] — Indicator by LuxAlgo

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Even the indicator suggested by @appani.muralikrishna is also great and works well. Pls bring this to Dhan.

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Would you please tell me how to use this indicator ? How to analyse the charts using this ?

Hi, even if Dhan brings this indicator it will provide inaccurate signals or fair value gaps. For fair value gap indicator to work we need Tick-by-tick (TBT) chart data and Dhan provides Snapshot data.

@appani.muralikrishna @Naman

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oh! thanks for that.

Let dhan team confirm this please

Dhan provides Snapshot data and NOT Tick-by-tick data. @PravinJ have confirmed this.

So no hope for this fvg indicator on dhan. So sad for me.

I have to go for paid version of trading view because of this non availability in dhan.

// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Deed - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International - Creative Commons
// © LuxAlgo

indicator(“Fair Value Gap [LuxAlgo]”, “LuxAlgo - Fair Value Gap”, overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)
thresholdPer = input.float(0, “Threshold %”, minval = 0, maxval = 100, step = .1, inline = ‘threshold’)
auto = input(false, “Auto”, inline = ‘threshold’)

showLast = input.int(0, ‘Unmitigated Levels’, minval = 0)
mitigationLevels = input.bool(false, ‘Mitigation Levels’)

tf = input.timeframe(‘’, “Timeframe”)

extend = input.int(20, ‘Extend’, minval = 0, inline = ‘extend’, group = ‘Style’)
dynamic = input(false, ‘Dynamic’, inline = ‘extend’, group = ‘Style’)

bullCss = input.color(color.new(#089981, 70), “Bullish FVG”, group = ‘Style’)
bearCss = input.color(color.new(#f23645, 70), “Bearish FVG”, group = ‘Style’)

showDash = input(false, ‘Show Dashboard’, group = ‘Dashboard’)
dashLoc = input.string(‘Top Right’, ‘Location’, options = [‘Top Right’, ‘Bottom Right’, ‘Bottom Left’], group = ‘Dashboard’)
textSize = input.string(‘Small’, ‘Size’ , options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’] , group = ‘Dashboard’)

type fvg
float max
float min
bool isbull
int t = time

n = bar_index

method tosolid(color id)=> color.rgb(color.r(id),color.g(id),color.b(id))

var new_fvg = fvg.new(na, na, na, na)
threshold = auto ? ta.cum((high - low) / low) / bar_index : thresholdPer / 100

bull_fvg = low > high[2] and close[1] > high[2] and (low - high[2]) / high[2] > threshold
bear_fvg = high < low[2] and close[1] < low[2] and (low[2] - high) / high > threshold

if bull_fvg
    new_fvg := fvg.new(low, high[2], true)
else if bear_fvg
    new_fvg := fvg.new(low[2], high, false)

[bull_fvg, bear_fvg, new_fvg]

//FVG’s detection/display
var float max_bull_fvg = na, var float min_bull_fvg = na, var bull_count = 0, var bull_mitigated = 0
var float max_bear_fvg = na, var float min_bear_fvg = na, var bear_count = 0, var bear_mitigated = 0
var t = 0

var fvg_records = array.new(0)
var fvg_areas = array.new(0)

[bull_fvg, bear_fvg, new_fvg] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, detect())

//Bull FVG’s
if bull_fvg and new_fvg.t != t
if dynamic
max_bull_fvg := new_fvg.max
min_bull_fvg := new_fvg.min

//Populate FVG array
if not dynamic
    fvg_areas.unshift(box.new(n-2, new_fvg.max, n+extend, new_fvg.min, na, bgcolor = bullCss))

bull_count += 1
t := new_fvg.t

else if dynamic
max_bull_fvg := math.max(math.min(close, max_bull_fvg), min_bull_fvg)

//Bear FVG’s
if bear_fvg and new_fvg.t != t
if dynamic
max_bear_fvg := new_fvg.max
min_bear_fvg := new_fvg.min

//Populate FVG array
if not dynamic
    fvg_areas.unshift(box.new(n-2, new_fvg.max, n+extend, new_fvg.min, na, bgcolor = bearCss))

bear_count += 1
t := new_fvg.t

else if dynamic
min_bear_fvg := math.min(math.max(close, min_bear_fvg), max_bear_fvg)

//Unmitigated/Mitigated lines
//Test for mitigation
if fvg_records.size() > 0
for i = fvg_records.size()-1 to 0
get = fvg_records.get(i)

    if get.isbull
        if close < get.min
            //Display line if mitigated
            if mitigationLevels
                  , get.min
                  , time
                  , get.min
                  , xloc.bar_time
                  , color = bullCss
                  , style = line.style_dashed)

            //Delete box
            if not dynamic
                area = fvg_areas.remove(i)

            bull_mitigated += 1
    else if close > get.max
        //Display line if mitigated
        if mitigationLevels
              , get.max
              , time
              , get.max
              , xloc.bar_time
              , color = bearCss
              , style = line.style_dashed)

        //Delete box
        if not dynamic
            area = fvg_areas.remove(i)
        bear_mitigated += 1

//Unmitigated lines
var unmitigated = array.new(0)

//Remove umitigated lines
if barstate.islast and showLast > 0 and fvg_records.size() > 0
if unmitigated.size() > 0
for element in unmitigated

for i = 0 to math.min(showLast-1, fvg_records.size()-1)
    get = fvg_records.get(i)

      , get.isbull ? get.min : get.max
      , time
      , get.isbull ? get.min : get.max
      , xloc.bar_time
      , color = get.isbull ? bullCss : bearCss))

var table_position = dashLoc == ‘Bottom Left’ ? position.bottom_left
: dashLoc == ‘Top Right’ ? position.top_right
: position.bottom_right

var table_size = textSize == ‘Tiny’ ? size.tiny
: textSize == ‘Small’ ? size.small
: size.normal

var tb = table.new(table_position, 3, 3
, bgcolor = #1e222d
, border_color = #373a46
, border_width = 1
, frame_color = #373a46
, frame_width = 1)

if showDash
if barstate.isfirst
tb.cell(1, 0, ‘Bullish’, text_color = bullCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)
tb.cell(2, 0, ‘Bearish’, text_color = bearCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)

    tb.cell(0, 1, 'Count', text_size = table_size, text_color = color.white)
    tb.cell(0, 2, 'Mitigated', text_size = table_size, text_color = color.white)

if barstate.islast
    tb.cell(1, 1, str.tostring(bull_count), text_color = bullCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)
    tb.cell(2, 1, str.tostring(bear_count), text_color = bearCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)
    tb.cell(1, 2, str.tostring(bull_mitigated / bull_count * 100, format.percent), text_color = bullCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)
    tb.cell(2, 2, str.tostring(bear_mitigated / bear_count * 100, format.percent), text_color = bearCss.tosolid(), text_size = table_size)

//Dynamic Bull FVG
max_bull_plot = plot(max_bull_fvg, color = na)
min_bull_plot = plot(min_bull_fvg, color = na)
fill(max_bull_plot, min_bull_plot, color = bullCss)

//Dynamic Bear FVG
max_bear_plot = plot(max_bear_fvg, color = na)
min_bear_plot = plot(min_bear_fvg, color = na)
fill(max_bear_plot, min_bear_plot, color = bearCss)

alertcondition(bull_count > bull_count[1], ‘Bullish FVG’, ‘Bullish FVG detected’)
alertcondition(bear_count > bear_count[1], ‘Bearish FVG’, ‘Bearish FVG detected’)

alertcondition(bull_mitigated > bull_mitigated[1], ‘Bullish FVG Mitigation’, ‘Bullish FVG mitigated’)
alertcondition(bear_mitigated > bear_mitigated[1], ‘Bearish FVG Mitigation’, ‘Bearish FVG mitigated’)



Why ? The fair value gap indicator is already available for everyone to use on the Free Trading view Plans.

Its not indicator. But stock price updates are delayed by 15 seconds in free trading view version.

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I’m on the free plan with Tradingview, and I just found out from you that the prices are 15 seconds delayed on TV Free plan. I guess since I don’t trade every day, it hasn’t bothered me so far, and I hadn’t really noticed it.

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Hi @Naman :saluting_face: Any Progress on FVG indicator ? It’s a :gem:.

Aisa to nahi na ki TradingView ke sahare hi rahna pade.

@appani.muralikrishna @Brishide Just to clear the confusion. Prices on TradingView aren’t delayed by 15 seconds. Irrespective of the plan you’re in, all the prices are real time on TradingView. And, with the professional plan, you get ultrafast.

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