Hi @R.E.M
Firstly thanks for the detailed feedback and spending time to share this. We are early in our journey, and compared to some of the large players we feel we are getting just started.
Let me answer few of your comments one by one
If you are a Commodity Trader, request you to please go through the detailed post on overall Commodity Trading experience on Dhan: Commodity Trading Experience on Dhan - Simple, Smooth, & Seamless!
Overall note on Margins across Dhan, specially for those trading in multiple segments and exchanges: Full post: Margin Benefits & Pledge Shares Experience for Trading on Dhan
We are further improving MarketWatch across all platforms, starting with Mobile soon. While I say soon, this is still few months away, but definitely on the cards as we have more insights on how users are using data, analytics and insights while they trade.
Dhan APIs are charged minimally just to avoid they getting misused. If you are an API trader, our responses times, and mostly importantly order execution times have improved a lot in the past 100 days. A detailed post on that will soon be published.
Trading Kit, let me know do I get one myself
. while I may not by lucky about this, I am guessing many traders will be
Yes, we had our share of hiccups as we scaled up, we also wrote about this and made reliability, speed, scaling up our most important priority for 2024. We published our focus for the year here: Focus 2024: Upcoming Features on Dhan for Traders & Investors
Broking is a complex product and we just got started. Its also a vast domain, so we choose to focus on trading experience. We have improved our reports and overall structure, however there is more work to be done here and we will continue in that direction.
Manage Positions will get a % on P&L soon, starting with Mobile App. We noticed many users have the contracts on their watchlist that they keep in background for DoD change; similarly for Order Placement window. Hence we have enabled this on Mobile Order Placement window, or if you choose to place orders on Web via side-screen Order Window.
Look forward to your suggestions, we continue building based on what we keep hearing from our users.