Hello all,
How scammers are misusing Dhan’s name to create fake companies in the market.
An informative post was also shared by @PravinJ
We also posted an YouTube video about this
If you face any suspicious activity, here’s how you can report it to the government’s cybercrime portal:
- Visit https://cybercrime.gov.in.
- Register and fill in the details.
- Provide evidence, like fake websites or WhatsApp groups.
Stay alert and report scams to protect yourself and others! For a detailed guide.
Open your web browser and go to Cyber Crime Portal. And click on “Register A Complaint”
Click on Other Cyber Crime > File a complaint and then click on “I Accept”
If you are a new user, you need to register. Click on “Click Here for New User” and fill in the required details, such as your name, email address, and phone number.
Select the State
Enter your e-mail ID and mobile number
Upon filling in the mobile number click on “Get OTP”.
Enter the OTP received on your mobile and enter the “Captcha” in the appropriate box
After entering the “Captcha”, click on the Submit button.
The login page will open. Fill in all your personal details and click on “Save & Continue”
Process of filing the Cybercrime complaint:
This form consists of 4 parts viz. Incident Details, Suspect Details, Complaint details, and preview and submit. Fill in all 4 parts as shown below:
Here, you have to select a specific category, and accordingly you have to select a sub-category. For instance, you are going to select “Online and Social Media Crime” as Complaint category and select sub-category as “Cheating by Impersonation”.
Further, fill in the date of the incident that occurred and whether there is a delay in reporting.
After filling in the above details, Select the source from where the incident has occurred.
a. If you find any Website URL share
b. If you find any Whatsapp group share
After filling above transaction details, fill in the below additional details:
After filling details click on save as a draft & next tab.
When you click on save as draft, the next tab (i.e. suspect details) will get open automatically. -
Suspect Details – Form
After filling details click on Save as Draft & next tab.
Complaint Details – Form
After filling details, click on save & Preview
Now Preview and Submit form will get open
Go through all the details filled and verify the same and click on the submit- tab. Your complaint is registered now. You can download the complaint registered in pdf form.
Upon submission, you will receive the acknowledgment number. Kindly note the same for future reference and track your complaint.
Process of Tracking the Complaint:
To track the complaint, click on the “TRACK YOUR COMPLAINT” tab.
- Enter acknowledge number – which you have already received.
- Click on Get OTP
- Enter OTP number – You will receive on your mobile
- Click on Submit.
- You will get the complaint status.
This are the official channels
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Be Aware & Stay Safe