Introducing: Scrip Codes on Dhan, Now you have a Choice!

Dear Traders,

Every feedback that is shared with us at Dhan is reviewed by our team. And that’s how we have been committed to continuously improve and evolve with time to make Dhan a better platform and experience to serve you.

We understand that many active traders on Dhan have moved from other platforms to us for better trading & investing experience. This also reflects in the data, where ~85% of our users are ones who were trading on other platforms and now shifted to Dhan - many have their own reasons for it. Some for the incredible execution speeds that Dhan delivers with DEXT, or some for exceptional charting experience through and many for the combined overall experience which includes Risk Management, APIs, Enhanced Portfolios, Discovery, Insights, Analysis or so much that Dhan has to offer.

This may be a bit of a small nuance, but on Dhan we showed Company Names as a default view, while many platforms showed Scrip Names. Many traders, when they move from other platforms to Dhan faced this small inconvenience where they took a bit time to get familiar with Dhan. While we allow users to search with Scrip Names, many users are super familiar with seeing Scrip Names all the time. As a result, one request we received from many of you was the need to view stocks by their symbol name, instead of the full name.

Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve fulfilled that request! You can now view your stocks using their symbol name, providing a more streamlined and concise view of your portfolio and watchlist.

But we didn’t stop there. Understanding that some of you may still prefer the complete stock names, we’ve made sure that you can switch between these views easily! With this new functionality, you can select your preferred display format through Settings > Trader’s Control.

Here’s how it works:

  • Display will show the complete/full name of the stock as it’s displayed currently.
  • Scrips will display stocks by their symbol name, making it quicker to spot the stocks in your list.

This feature will be available across major modules like:

  • Watchlist
  • Company Page
  • Portfolio
  • Positions
  • Order Screen

Benefits of this update:

  • Personalisation: You can now choose between the complete name or symbol name based on your preference, making the platform more tailored to your needs.
  • Efficiency: The symbol name view offers a cleaner and more compact display, helping you navigate through your stocks faster.
  • Convenience: Whether you’re used to full stock names or prefer symbol-based names, both options are now at your fingertips.

Currently, this feature is available on the Dhan App, and will soon be available on the Web as well.

Every small suggestion that comes our way, stays with us. With that we continue to make Dhan better for you - everyday!

Mahima Shah
Product @ Dhan


Can you please bring the company logo as well in the company home page like you show logo for the company specific news in the News tab? It will help to identify the company in the outer world as well.

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How do I enable it?

Hi @vishaln - the option to enable is available under Trader’s Control.

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It’s shown on one of the screenshots here on this reply.

Thanks. Also please remove the purple MTF number beside scrip name. Very annoying and stands out, distracting from chart.

Maybe a global MTF disable button for disabling these MTF popups, notifications, buttons and prompts? I don’t want to touch leverage

Hey @vishaln ,

Fair point, noted your feedback.


Don’t you think, it is a mistake that the labels are incorrect
It should be like “display for stocks name :on: scrip code”

We do not need this choice
We want both things to be displayed at the same time

Hi @RishabhJain

Noted, it will be updated in the next release.

For displaying both the things at the same time, could you highlight use case as to why are both required for us to understand it better.