Dear @Dhan When will Adjusted price will reflect in Dhan app.
My portfolio showing loss (8% loss)
Hi @Chethan,
Please be informed that ITC’s share price is now trading ex-demerger, effective January 6th, reflecting the separation of the ITC Hotels business. These shares will be credited to your account within 30-45 days after the record date.
Read more: ITC Hotels Demerger
@Mohseen_Usmani I bought ITC at 479, but my Avg price, supossed to adjusted after demerger happened right. My Avg price is same 479, in portfolio it’s showing 8% loss
Hi @Chethan,
We tried calling you however we were unable to establish contact with you. Request you to help us with a convenient time to get in touch with you.
Before 10:30am any day
@Chethan The cost of acquisition will be released by the company shortly and only after that, we can adjust the price. The infomation can be found into the company’s website under Investor Section.
OK sir, thank you