MCX is going live with New Trading Platform from Mon, 16 Oct 2023


I have exit all my positions, but after that one buy order of crude oil ce position showing in my acount, I am unable to close it, please close it from backend. I tried to call trade facility number but after half hour also no one was available.

Dear Dhan Executive,

I have been calling the customer care number and chat box - order got placed for the cancelled order and not able to square off the position which are in profit and going from 50k profit to loss. Can someone respond to my chat or request.

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Same is happening with me

@RahulDeshpande - can you please assist here.

Hi pls help to exit my position

Hi @nimmy @ReshamDhakate @Naveenjose

Request you to please share drop a email stating you would like to get your positions squared off from your registered email id on

The issue is from the MCX end, and we are in constant communication with them to resolve this at earliest.

You can also call and trade on 02248930450.

I have decided move out from Dhan to Angel or Zerodha, no response from customer care number, chat, email and ever call and trade.

From profit of 20k - its moving towards 40k Loss

Please allow us to add more positions so that we can average down our current positions.


No response over email and call and trade. can you close the position at 6.5 for naturalgas PUT 250

Have sent Mail pls help on this

Already mailed to this email ID, but the query is not resolved yet…
PLEASE PLEASE try to solve all these issues.

Mail sent …please do assist immediately.


No response over email and call and trade. can you close the position at 6.5 for naturalgas PUT 250

Am losing my profits due to mcx went offline during trading hours how to execute orders now emailed ,sent in Twitter to close my Order still no response and phone call doesn’t connect at all this is very very bad from dhan this is not considered to be an update this is creating problem to users and Indian citizens hard earned money is at big stake .
Dhan should give compensation to all who traded today in mcx as this caused severe mental stress ,waste of time and loss of money .

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first you better try to call and trade number and tell us, i tried today to reach that number from 12 pm t 18pm but always busy and waiting , worst customer care service

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Do you think matter is going to resolve before the MCX market close today? I have to place some more orders and add more positions.

@RahulDeshpande @PravinJ
Sir please close my positions
It’s request.

I’m trying to square off position since evening but nothing is working.

कोनीच फ़ोन उचलत नाहिये

Kindly close my CRUDEOIL CALL position . It has turned in to 9k loss from profit of 1.6k while i was figuring out your backend errors.

Very very bad experience. We are not able to close our position and our calls are also not received. Why dhan is not taking care of its customer. We are losing our money just because of your negligence.

when will commodity trading becomes completely normal today or tomorrow? and when will i get confirmation on order execution and margin amount in funds