MCX is going live with New Trading Platform from Mon, 16 Oct 2023

Sir if there is a issue means it should be resolved within a few minutes. Otherwise all trading activities should be closed until the problem is resolved. Why you people simply playing with our money and making us to loose our money. Other brokers already allowed to take entry or exit at 6 pm itself. But here in dhan it is 10.25 pm, still we are not able to know close our position in crude. Even if make a call to trade and call sept, it takes even more hours to receive our call…

Really crap customer support… no mail response , no chat support , no call support , no community post response

They knew the glitch since afternoon still they didnt had enough support team in place to assist traders especially when theirs a expiry next day.

Now i realized i made a blunder by switching from Zerodha to Dhan in lure of TV charts … Zerodha has also launched TV v2 currently in beta … Migration days ahead…


Sir from morning itself we are facing problem. But here dhan team is still trying to contact with mcx while other brokers are already resolved the issue

Even after these messages , we are not getting any reply from concerned officials @Dhan

Hi @obleshabhilash @imagica Exchanges have multiple protocols to connect. The one via which we are connected with MCX has technical issue from exchange end. Our teams are still awaiting updates from exchange.

Pravin Ji,

I also have account in Zerodha. I contacted them on call and they said everything is fine at their end and we can place the orders on MCX without issues. I tried it and it was working fine. This issue is only on Dhan’s side not on MCX side I think. I think I would have to keep funds in both Dhan and Zerodha to trade smoothly now.

Sir how much time is required to solve the issue. There is no such problems with other brokers. Atleast you can to squareoff our position in crude oil right sir?? Even for closing our position, ur team is taking hours. Is that correct sir and is that good service to ur customers ??

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I don’t think we’ll be able to trade on Dhan tomorrow also.

Yes sir my friend is using geojit. There was a problem in placing order of crude oil around 5.40pm. after that geoijit is allowing to place orders.

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Hi @anantinvst The broker you have mentioned connects to exchange via a third party order management software that connects using another protocol. Dhan connects via another protocol on which there is an issue on MCX end after they went live on new system.

When will we be able to trade smoothly then? Will it be live tomorrow? Today whole day got wasted as some of us trade majorly in commodities


PLs try best atleast tradeable [Fresh positions] by TOmorrow start. :pray:t2:

Unable to create fresh positional hedge and hence in loss. :upside_down_face:

If the crude ce sell position can’t close tomorrow also and it is in the money options then we have to settle it and it’s a big money required am I right as tomorrow is crude oil expiry ?

Hi @anantinvst @pavz Our teams along with exchange teams are trying our best. Please note we are ranked #3 on commodities trading for MCX - it hurts us to see our users in trouble. All our teams are at work. Request your patience while we resolve this.


Sir pls explain this one @PravinJ

What about redundancy ? … here its real money at stake and not paper trades

Sir how can we close our open position of crude ?? We are contacting ur support team and no response. We are contacting ur trade and call teams and no response. I dropped a mail to Rahul sir help@dhan and no response. If I get big loss, who take the responsibility sir.

@PravinJ sir pls atleast you reply us

I have placed crudeoil option yesterday which was in transit till noon and blocked my margin. Later dhan was showing margin available as well as open position which I couldn’t close as I was getting error as ‘market is closed’. Now app is showing me loss of around 40k, I could close it when it was 20% profit and margin is also consumed. Who is responsible for my losses.

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