No bar replay, multiple indicator, no leass than 1 minute time freame

As on your community page, I have connected my Dhan account to Trading view and below still act as free user previlage

  • Bar Replay - Rewind markets and watch with user-defined speed - NO
  • Use Multiple Indicators - NO - still restricted to 3 indicator
  • 1-Second Chart Timeframes - NO only start from 1 minute
  • Trade with 12 Charts Types Including Renko, Kagi, and Point & Figure - NO only on daily time frame
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No Renko chart on lower timrframe…

Hi @NitinK & @jaipal Welcome to Dhan Community! is a standalone product. With Dhan integration, you get lightning fast execution directly from TradingView platform and you can use these features, provided you have the required TradingView subscription.

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which renko chart we are talking about? and yes black friday deal has been closed fro trading view.

Black Friday deal is closed at the time of this posting you can still go for cyber Monday sale which is valid for next 17 hours

dear mam,but what is the main objective to integration of trading view with dhan ,one thing we are misunderstand while see the content page ,in that page it displayed so we assumed we may use all options freely ,ok thakn you

Its ok bro the things they are offering are way too much compare to other all other things are available on their dedicating platform just less than one min time frames and community scripts are not available so lets not discourage them on this they really working well we can’t get everything for free though
Ik even if we can login in trading view we cant get enough of it its all same like we cant even use more than three indicators too ig at least that thing should be provided of using more than three indicators so we can use at least community scripts which are freely available on tradingview otherwise there is no use of login directly through tradingview dhan platform is enough

Hi @asgkbotany, let me take that question. Dhan provides order execution capabilities on TradingView panel (which is our product) and TradingView has its own product which comes with its product & pricing. Depending on what access of product one has for TradingView - those features and limitations are set by TradingView. Dhan does not have control over these. Over 7000+ traders have now connected Dhan and TradingView for execution of trades.

However, we do provide integrated TradingView charts across all the platforms + also a hosted solution on where you will have many premium features for free (from our side - because this is offered by us). More on that here: A quick overview and comparison of that is available here: Dhan + TradingView - Access TradingView Charts Live for FREE

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Bro thank you for reply but my point is not discourage ,only to know the exact point and offered by dhan

Thank you

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Thank you for your reply sir, I want to know the exact , understand more about the options provided by you

You have asked the exact question. The secion on the website is o confusing - under trade from trading view, like 1 sec chart, bar replay etc. Then finally got the answer “that is exclusively for TradingView subscribers” So nothing new - I though of cancelling Fyers and start with Dhan - now no way.

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@jaipal thrilled to share that seconds timeframes on charts in now available on and soon on all Dhan platforms.

Read more on this and share your feedback - Introducing: Seconds Timeframe on Charts by Dhan

@ngbhat @omkar @Saurabh88 @asgkbotany Market Replay is now live on - Introducing: Market Replay on Dhan TradingView Charts