Plz provide proper pnl statement like Zerodha does. In the name of PnL statement you just provide daily trades grouped datewise. They are already available in All exchange transactions.
You also do not show the settlement trades on expiry day.
If on expiry day there is no trade you do not even provide contract note. WTF
@msdtime Please request the P&L Report on E-mail and you will get it.
Thanks for your reply.
But this is not at all convenient way. On Zerodha I can check PnL statement on screen. This is not possible in Dhan.
Also you ignored the later part of my post. Settlements are not at all documented anywhere.
Please arrange P&L like other brokers. for coporate announcement there is no adjustment made in the P&L.
For example: I got share split of HAL @3882,So, the share price is 1941. But when sold P&L shows buyinig price as 3882 and showing huge loss in my account.
Please fix it fast…noone can remember all these adjustments while preparing tax returns
We are glad to inform you that we recently launched our journal which shows all types of statements under one roof, please have a look