When trying to Transfer Share, I stuck at ‘Transaction’ and enter the execution date and enter the Beneficiary owner ID (BOID), you need to transfer the shares to. Unable to select Counter BOID as nothing is popping up there. Please see the Snip of the Sreen. While trying to Save of Add; the message comes as Please Select Proper Counter BOID
In order for you to be able to find a Counter BOID from the drop-down you would first need to add / link - Beneficiary to your CDSL Easiest Account. This has been explained in PART B: ADD A BENEFICIARY TO CDSL of our - Share Transfer Community Post.
It is crucial to add / link beneficiary before initiating share transfer in order to avoid erroneous transfer of shares.
Already added. Now problem solved as Counter BOID from the drop-down started appearing after day end. Anyway thanks for your support.